Design Workshop on Closed Loop Cycle Production and Circular Economy
Design Workshop on Closed Loop Cycle Production and Circular Economy
Beneficiary Country: Colombia.
Participating universities: Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Bogotá) and Universidad San Buenaventura (Medellin).
Date: April 4th – June 16th.
General Information:
Colombia is one of the participating countries of the Closed Loop Cycle Production in the Americas Program (CLCPA), an initiative of the Sustainable Development Department (DSD) of the Organization of American States (OAS). The CLCPA Program aims introducing and showcasing the viability and applicability of Closed Loop Cycle Production methods, including the design methodology of Cradle to Cradle®, on the productive sector of the Americas.
This Program focuses on contributing to the Sustainable Development of the productive sector of the participating countries, improving energy efficiency as well as the environmental performance of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to facilitate the transition toward circular economies in the region.
The Design Workshop on Closed Loop Cycle Production and Circular Economy is offered in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, and the Cleaner Production Centre of Colombia. The School of Product Design of the University Jorge Tadeo Lozano, and the Industrial Design Program of the University San Buenaventura are the co-organizers of this first edition of the workshop..
This academic exercise will contribute to two of the components of the CLCPA Program: Awareness in the Academic Sector and Promote Application of the Closed Loop Cycle Production methods.
Objective of the Workshop:
To introduce the Circular Economy concept to students and implement its principles during the design process of two packaging for SMEs that are part of the CLCPA pilot program.
60 Industrial Design students have been selected by their universities.
Expected outcome/results:
Increase awareness about the concept of Circular Economy and Packaging alternatives designed by industrial design students to be presented to two Colombian SMEs.