Capacity Assessment of the Energy Efficiency Testing Laboratories at the Bureau of Standards of Jamaica (BSJ)

An assessment of the capacity of the Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ) will be carried out by the CARICOM Regional Organization for Standards and Quality (CRSOQ), to provide energy efficiency testing of refrigerators and air conditioners for the CARICOM Regional Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme. This activity falls under the project: Metrology for Energy Efficiency Measurements and Compliance in Central America and Dominican Republic (M4EE).

The objective of this activity is to assess both the organizational capacity of the Bureau of Standards Jamaica and the individual capacity of the two (2) Engineers working in the Energy Efficiency Laboratory. This will include identifying the gaps and then proposing concrete solutions for closing these gaps.

The technical objective would be assessing the capacity of the BSJ to operate an energy efficiency testing service for external clients. In this regard it will be important to assess the BSJ organizational, management and technical capabilities.


Jun 11 - 13 2019


All Day
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