
Powermundo, Peace Corps and Trees, Water & People Light up Rural Peru

Friday, January 25, 2013

In Peru, the Peace Corps, Trees, Water & People and PowerMundo are collaborating to implement the ECPA-supported initiative, “Improving Access to Clean Energy in Latin America”. As part of this multi-country initiative, PowerMundo and Peace Corps are working with Peruvians to provide light and clean energy in rural communities, thereby creating a new market niche for goods and services that cater to the energy needs of rural communities. Solar energy lighting equipment is sold at very affordable prices. Additionally, credit lines are offered through small local cooperatives so that users may easily purchase said equipment. With improved access to next-generation solar lights and cell phone chargers, Peruvian families are attaining basic energy services and making a significant improvement in their lives. This successful initiative is continuing to grow to help thousands of Peruvians breathe cleaner indoor air, avoid burns from diesel-burning lamps, save money on energy, and improve their environment.