WEBINAR: Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings
WEBINAR: Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings
Clean Energy Solutions Center, in collaboration with the Government of Mexico, is organizing a webinar on energy efficiency in public buildings. Under the framework of ECPA’s Energy Efficiency Working Group and as part of the commitments reached during the last ECPA Ministerial Meeting, the Government of Mexico will present on their experience in energy efficiency programs aimed at the public sector.
In this sense, the webinar will be focused on the Energy Efficiency Program in the Federal Administration that is currently executed by the Mexico’s National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy (CONUEE). The objective of the Program is to establish a process of continuous improvement to increase energy efficiency in buildings, fleets and industrial facilities of the APF Dependencies and Entities through the implementation of best practices and technological innovation, as well as the use of operational tools, control and monitoring, which contributes to the efficient use of public resources and sustainability.
This Program has been operated successfully for more than 17 years and currently serves more than 268 entities and units of the APF, where each of them has its own Internal Energy Savings Committee. Thus, CONUEE provides timely follow-up to more than 2,400 properties, 900 vehicle fleets and 11 industrial facilities.
The presentations will focus on two essential parts of the program, followed by an open discussion and questions from the attendees:
The different components and experiences of the Energy Saving Program of the Public Administration of Mexico Elements of benchmarking that CONUEE has developed for both public and commercial buildings.
*The session will be held in Spanish.
Ing. Israel Jáuregui Nares, Deputy Director General of Management for Energy Efficiency
Arq. Hébert León Sánchez, Director of Energy Efficiency in Buildings