International Glacier Forum: the challenge of research the service of society in context of climate change

Monday, July 1, 2013 – Thursday, July 4, 2013

International Glacier Forum: the challenge of research the service of society in context of climate change

This conference will bring together scientists, practitioners and representatives from public and governmental institutions to exchange experiences, recent progress and coordinate current and future initiatives in the field of glaciology and high mountains in Peru and the tropical Andes. Climate, glaciers, water resources, risks, and the relation to society and economy are among the conference topics. A particular focus is on fostering the exchange between scientists and public institutions, and how scientific insights can be transfered into public policies and other actions on the ground, accordingly, an emphasis is put on dialogue and exchange within several workshops.


The new deadline for submission of abstracts is 26 April 2013 (the main presentation form will be posters, with only a limited number of short oral presentations).

For more information send an email to: or visit:

An initiative led and organized by

Posted By: N/A – Wednesday, 15 May, 2013 at 12:00 AM


Jul 01 - 04 2013


21:00 - 21:00
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