Webinar: COP 19 Implications for Latin America
Webinar: COP 19 Implications for Latin America
During its fourth webinar hosted during its anniversary launching year, the platform Valorando Naturaleza.org focuses on the challenges and results of the most recent Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference in Warsaw November achievements. Four panelists will present their observations and answer questions related to the implications for Latin America, as the next year may present opportunities for greater achievements in Lima at COP20.
Closing the year is a good time to evaluate recent decisions in the international political arena on climate change and forests, and its implications, in light of the actions and initiatives on carbon mitigation issues at the regional level.
We have brought together international leaders to discuss the most relevant and important for Latin America in the most recent meeting of the parties to the Framework Convention of the United Nations Climate Change results.
Among the objectives of the negotiations during COP 19 held in Warsaw this past November, was creating an agreement to be signed in Paris in 2015 and come into force by 2020, that involve substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of all major economies, as well as commitments to the poorest countries. On issues related to forest carbon and REDD, decisions were made related to several technical and institutional issues, but some were yet to be defined.
If you have a question or topic you would like to ask the panelists? send it to: contacto@valorandonaturaleza.org, or prepare it to ask during the seminary.
Four panelists will share their views on what happened and ideas for how Latin America can prepare for the COP20 in Lima, Peru, that will include:
• Josefina Brana, WWF
• Charlotte Streck, Climate Focus
• Roberto Gomez Charry, Fundacion Natura – Colombia
• Gustavo Suarez de Freitas, Ministry of Environment , Peru (TBC)
Join us on Thursday December 12 at the following times:
Mexico DF 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Bogotá / Quito / Lima / Washington DC; 11:30 a.m. Manaus / Pto Rico; 1:30 pm Buenos Aires / Brasilia, 3:30 pm London.
Webinar duration will be about 1 hour.
To register please access the following link.