[WEBINAR] Behavioural Insights – Changing Human Behaviour for Green Growth

Wednesday, March 8, 2017 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

[WEBINAR] Behavioural Insights – Changing Human Behaviour for Green Growth

We as humans make thousands of decisions each day, but many of these may be habits or choices that are not the most environmentally-friendly. How can we effectively change our behaviours to reduce waste, increase resource efficiency and strengthen policies for sustainable consumption? These are some of the questions tackled in a new UN Environment report, ‘Consuming Differently, Consuming Sustainably: Behavioural Insights for Policymaking‘ – to be launched through this webinar. The GGKP, UN Environment (10 YFP on Sustainable Consumption and Production) and ideas42 are bringing together eminent experts to explore and debate the findings of the report and the topic of Behavioural Insights for Sustainable Consumption and Green Growth.

Join the GGKP for a webinar on 8 March 15h-16:30h (CET) exploring evidence-based research on how behavioural science can further resource efficiency and sustainable consumption. The webinar will feature presentations from Saugato Datta (Managing Director, ideas42), Helio Mattar (President and Chief Executive Officer, Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption), Claire Walsh (Policy Manager, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, MIT) and will be moderated by Faisal Naru (Senior Economic Advisor, OECD).

  • Saugato Datta, Managing Director, ideas42 (see bio here)
  • Helio Mattar, President and Chief Executive Officer, Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption (see bio here)
  • Claire Walsh, Policy Manager, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, MIT (see bio here)
  • Moderated by: Faisal Naru, Senior Economic Advisor, OECD (see bio here).

The presentations will be followed by a moderated discussion and Q&A with the audience.

Posted By: AdminR – Monday, 27 February, 2017 at 12:00 AM


Mar 08 2017


09:00 - 09:00
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