Past Initiative News

Technical exchange between Chile-México on experiences in the development and implementation of energy efficiency programs

Friday, June 27, 2014

This technical exchange mission is part of the activities of the Energy Efficiency Working Group chaired by the Government of Mexico as part of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA). This working group is executed with the support of the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (OAS). During the technical exchange mission the experiences of Chile and Mexico on this topic were discussed among invited experts. The activity allowed to reveal progress, barriers and opportunities for energy efficiency in both countries. From these experiences it is expected that both Chile and Mexico can address new solutions to energy efficiency in the areas of construction, industry and mining, transportation, and education.

These meetings generally fall under the dissemination of the national energy policy of both countries, and more specifically to the design and implementation of energy solutions that promote sustainable energy access and energy consumption across various sectors. As a result of this activity a cooperation agreement was discussed between the two countries whose objective is the exchange of information in order to advance together toward an improvement in the development and implementation of energy efficiency proposed by both Mexico and Chile.

The presentations were given as follow:

ECPA Institutional presentation: Carolina Peña, OAS Representative in Washington, USA.

CONUEE Institutional Presentation: Israel Jáuregui Nares, Deputy Director General of the Energy Efficiency Management, CONUEE.

CONUEE Building area programs: Leonel Diaz Pichardo, Director of the Department of Buildings CONUEE.

CONUEE Program Management Systems Energy: Hebert Leon Sanchez – Director of Major Energy Users.

Transportation Programs CONUEE: Javier García Osorio, CONUEE’s Director of Transportation.

AChEE Programs Building area: Alexis Nuñez, head of the AChEE Building area.

Mining and Industry AChEE Programs area: Priscilla Leufuman, AChEE Head of the Industry and Mining project area.

AChEE Programs Transportation area: Claudio Gavilan, AChEE’s head of the Transportation.

Guarantee Fund for Energy Efficiency: Roxana Cid, chief FOGAEE, AChEE project.