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Peru first country in region to implement FAO’s Amicaf project

Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Lima, Jul. 12 (ANDINA). Peru has become the first country in Latin America to conduct a FAO supported project titled Assessments of Climate Change Impacts and Mapping of Vulnerability to Food Insecurity under Climate Change to Strengthen Household Food Security with Livelihoods’ Adaptation Approaches, or AMICAF.
Photo: ANDINA/Archive
Photo: ANDINA/Archive

Speaking at the presentation of the AMICAF project in Peru, Deputy Agriculture Minister Juan Rheineck stressed the growing need to understand the effects of climate change on the livelihoods of small farmers and food security.

“The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (Minagri) is aware of the vulnerability of the rural population and the dangers it faces,” he said.

The AMICAF project seeks to assist developing countries in addressing climate change assessment and adaptation and improving food security through a comprehensive framework.

This framework would bridge climate change impact assessment, food insecurity vulnerability analysis and livelihood adaptation approaches.

The initiative, which is implemented through FAO thanks to a special fund from the Japanese government, was first launched in the Philippines and had given good results there.


This article was originally published by Andina. Click here to see original publication.