General news

Connecting the Americas: Advancing Partnerships for Action on Energy, the Environment and Infrastructure

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Following the Sixth Summit of the Americas, the OAS General Secretariat presents the virtual fórum “Connecting the Americas: Advancing Partnerships for Action on Energy, the Environment and Infrastructure.”

Participate now and you could be selected to attend the face-to-face consultations on this topic in Washington, DC on March 18, 2013

More Information | Agenda | Registration

About the Forum

On April 14-15, 2012, Heads of State and Foreign Ministers of the 34 OAS Member States met at the 6th Summit of the Americas under the theme of “Connecting the Americas: Partners for Prosperity,” where they adopted 47 mandates for regional cooperation to improve physical infrastructure integration, reduce poverty and inequality, enhance disaster risk reduction and management, increase access to and the use of information and communication technologies, and strengthen citizen security in the region.

Included in these commitments as well as in the dialogue among leaders at the Sixth Summit, were issues related to the promotion and optimization of electrical interconnections, fostering the development of renewable energies in the Americas, and the strengthening of public-private partnerships. The Sixth Summit process also featured and promoted an important role for civil society and social actors, not only to indicate areas of need and advance recommendations on the Summit topics, but also to serve as partners with governments and international institutions in the process of implementation of these commitments. With this in mind, this virtual forum proposes several questions below to advance this dialogue with the objective of continuing to identify the remaining challenges and progress made in the areas of the development of energy infrastructure, the generation of and access to clean and renewable energies, as well as the promotion of public-private partnerships and the role of civil society in these processes.

We invite you to contribute to this discussion by responding to the initial questions below, or posing your own questions on these topics. We also encourage you to identify specific projects or programs that are underway or being planned in your country and communities to develop energy infrastructure, promote the generation of and access to renewable energies, highlighting in particular public-private partnerships and/or the role of civil society and social actors as agents in these processes.

This forum is being moderated by personnel from the OAS General Secretariat, including technical experts from the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development-Department of Sustainable Development, who will guide and respond to the forum, as necessary. We also invite you to review the background resources that have been compiled to support this forum, and to post your own for the consideration of other forum participants. Thank you for your participation!

