Past Initiative News

ECPA involved in INTERCLIMA 2013: opening the way for low carbon development

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The central topic of InterCLIMA 2013 will be low emission and climate resistant development, prioritizing planning, institutions, the process of involving actors, tools, methodologies, good practices, and financing. During December 4-6, renown national and international experts will gather in Lima in order to share and exchange climate change experiences.

The event is organized by the Peruvian Ministry of Environment and this year will be held in conjunction with the Regional Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean (LEDS LAC) of the Global Alliance on Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS Global Partnerships).

As part of this platform, more than 100 experts on low emission initiatives will be present from the private and public sector from both Latin America and the world. Among the experts will be Engineer Kevin de Cuba, manager of Closed Looped Cycle Production from the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA), along with the coordinator of the initiative, Walter Araya. This program is financed by the US State Department and is implemented by the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States in association with the firm McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry, C2C Expo Lab, the National Production Center of Colombia, and the US Environmental Protection Agency. During this event, the philosophy behind Closed Cycle Production will be explained as well as its potential for application in the manufacture and industry sectors in the region as an instrument for low emission development. The experiences gained during the implementation of the program in Ecuador between 2011-2013 will be shared; an experience which resulted in the certification of the first package to fit the Cradle-to-Cradle requirements in Latin America and the Caribbean.

LEDS LAC integrates initiatives, professionals, institutions, and active networks of low emission development in Latin America, facilitating collaboration, the exchange of learning and information between governments, experts, and private companies. The OAS will continue to work with platforms like LEDS and ECPA in order to continue to effectively support the facilitation and promotion of integral development between member states.

Regional Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean (In Spanish)

The general objectives of INTERCLIMA 2013 are:

  • Socialize the state of progress, challenges and opportunities in relation to the priority items in the INTERCLIMA 2012 and emissions management.
  • Provide a space of socialization on the concept of low-carbon development Peruvian actors, opportunities that would bring the country and show successful experiences.
  • Provide a space for reflection and training Peruvian specialists selected through discussion and training sessions provided by the Platform LEDS LAC in the priority themes.
  • Working in a participatory manner with Peruvian and international specialists inputs Roadmap for managing emissions in the country towards the COP 20.
  • This year INTERCLIMA be held in conjunction with the Regional Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC LEDS) Global Alliance on Development Strategies in Low Emissions (LEDS Global Partnership).


The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, Swiss Cooperation – SECO, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), USAID Peru, GIZ (German cooperation), The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Climate and Development Alliance (CDKN) Project Planning for Climate Change (PlanCC) lecB UNDP Project, World Bank Institute, Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC), The International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV, Nordic Environment Finance Corporation, Project Management Sustainable Earth Apurimac.

Date: 4, 5 and 6 December 2013

Location: Convention Center at the Medical College

Address: 28 de Julio 776, Miraflores

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