Past Initiative News

ECPA participates in the IV Energy Efficiency Policy Dialogue in Latin America and the Caribbean

Friday, November 22, 2013

Promoting energy efficiency is the most effective way of promoting sustainable economies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions that cause global warming. Improving energy efficiency is a major concern for Latin America and the Caribbean, therefore it is essential to promote the political dialogue between the nations around these issues.

The IV Energy Efficiency Policy Dialogue in Latin America and the Caribbean took place in Mexico City from November 21-22, 2013. The event was organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC), in collaboration with the National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy (CONUEE) and Mexico’s Energy Secretariat (SENER). This meeting aimed to promote regional dialogue on energy efficiency. Discussions addressed the issue of mobility and its relationship with energy.

This event is of great importance to the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) since the Government of Mexico chairs ECPA’s Working Group on Energy Efficiency in the Western Hemisphere.

Undersecretary of Energy Transition Planning and SENER, Leonardo Beltran said: “For Mexico this dialogue is an opportunity to demonstrate the commitment of our government at the national and international levels with respect to energy efficiency. It also allows us to identify best practices in energy policy. Energy is an indispensable good. Given the demand for energy and growth, it is important to see what we are doing to reduce dependence on hydrocarbons”.

Beltran added that “at the national level, the current administration is promoting the transition of public policy to greater energy sustainability. It seeks economic development to improve the living conditions of low income households. Energy should be seen as a lever for development. By 2024, 35 per cent of Mexico’s energy must come from non-conventional energy sources. Today this type of energy represents 14.9 percent of the matrix. It should therefore quadruple that amount to meet the targets set for the year 2024”.

During the dialogue ECLAC officially presented its report on the progress in the field of energy efficiency in the last five years in OLADE’s 27 countries. In its 400 pages, this document provides information about new policies, laws and institutions created for the purpose of encouraging greater energy efficiency. Manlio Coviello, Chief of the Natural Resources and Energy of ECLAC, said that “there are major points of comparison between 2008 and 2013. Indeed, in 2008 there was talk on the need to create new institutions dedicated to promoting energy efficiency. In 2013 we observed a marked trend towards institutions that specialize in the promotion of energy efficiency. “Therefore, this study confirms that institutional capacity is essential to promote energy sustainability in the Americas.

Both CONUEE and SENER have played a key role in organizing the IV Dialogue. It is important to note that both institutions have been the head in ECPA’s Energy Efficiency Working Group implemented by the Organization of American States (OAS). Through this ECPA initiative, the Mexican government provides technical assistance designed to support national and regional efforts in energy efficiency throughout the Americas.

Click here to learn more about the Energy Efficiency Working Group.