Past Initiative News

Carbon and Water Footprints in three cities from Andean countries: La Paz, Quito, and Lima

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) and the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) support the project “Carbon and Water Footprints in 3 Andean Cities: La Paz, Quito, and Lima,” with the end goal of promoting mitigation actions and climate change adaptation at a municipal level.

The project is implemented by the Environmental Consulting Service S.A. of Bolivia, with monitoring and facilitation from the Fundación Futuro Latinamericano (FFLA) of Ecuador, as Regional Coordinator for Latin America CDKN, and in coordination with the Municipal Governments in the above mentioned cities.

Cities in Andean countries are being affected by climate change, with grave consequences, especially in the most vulnerable populations and in city outskirts. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from sectors such as industry, transport, water, sanitation, and solid waste additionally contribute to the problem. As to climate change, studies show that the availability of water resources in the cities of La Paz, Quito, and Lime is shrinking due to the melting of the Andean glaciers. According to predictions, by 2025, climate change could contribute to the increase of 70% of people with limited access to water sources in the Andean region, a situation worsens because of the growing trend of urban migration and increasing demand of water.

Faced with this problem, this project was created with the objective of supporting the implementation of municipal strategies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in La Paz, Lima, and Quito, through carbon footprint assessments (CF) and water footprint assessments (WF) at the municipal level and to share knowledge and promote partnership between key actors in the public and private sectors, and society as a whole.

By the completion of the project, it is expected to have an Action Plans that help ensure the sustainability of actions, allowing local governments to address the implementation of climate change strategies effectively.

The project thus becomes the first Latin American experience in measuring ‘footprints’ to city level. The Project has technical support Carbonfeel – Spanish network of universities, consultants and experts in calculating HC – and The Water Footprint Network – creators of the concept of water footprint of the University of Twente in the Netherlands.

For more information about this project, click here

This news bulletin was originally published in Spanish by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network here.